After winning some competitions Wildman began his career as a member of the BBC Singers.
In 1936, while a member of the BBC Singers, he met Benjamin Britten, who was to become his life partner.
He has also worked with BBC Singers.
He met Britten in 1934, when he was a member of the BBC Singers.
He has worked as a professional musician since graduation, spending many years as a member of the BBC Singers.
This chamber-sized group would later become the BBC Singers in their current form.
In addition, the BBC Singers continue to perform large-scale orchestral works with international conductors.
Over the past eight decades the BBC Singers have performed and commissioned more than a hundred new works.
The BBC Singers can be heard in concert, on the radio, on recordings and in education workshops.
She then became a member of the BBC Singers for 5 years.