Neither Kneale nor Cartier were impressed with the state in which they found BBC television drama.
The Lotus Eaters is a BBC television drama made between 1972 and 1973.
Number 24 was used as the main exterior in the BBC television drama The House of Eliott.
Bleak House is BBC television drama first broadcast in 1985.
In 2007 he wrote the BBC television drama Coming Down the Mountain.
Tyrgyzstan - fictional country in the BBC television drama The State Within.
Unusually for a BBC television drama of the 1970s, each instalment was filmed entirely on location using 16 mm film.
Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968; BBC television drama).
She remains best known for her role as Pet Simpson in two series of the BBC television drama Survivors between 1976 and 1977.
The book is being adapted into a BBC television drama for release in 2014.
Neither Kneale nor Cartier were impressed with the state in which they found BBC television drama.
The Lotus Eaters is a BBC television drama made between 1972 and 1973.
Number 24 was used as the main exterior in the BBC television drama The House of Eliott.
Bleak House is BBC television drama first broadcast in 1985.
In 2007 he wrote the BBC television drama Coming Down the Mountain.
Tyrgyzstan - fictional country in the BBC television drama The State Within.
Unusually for a BBC television drama of the 1970s, each instalment was filmed entirely on location using 16 mm film.
Whistle and I'll Come to You (1968; BBC television drama).
She remains best known for her role as Pet Simpson in two series of the BBC television drama Survivors between 1976 and 1977.
The book is being adapted into a BBC television drama for release in 2014.