LEO: Oh, I have seen that even in BIOS settings.
Remote management can be used to adjust BIOS settings that may not be accessible after the operating system has already booted.
Changing the BIOS settings is not my idea of entertainment.
Note that the processor serial number feature must be enabled in the BIOS setting in order to function.
On my Dell M4300 laptop you could disable it in the BIOS settings.
You can turn off the splash screen in the BIOS settings if you'd rather see the text.
Once you have gathered your BIOS settings and replacement battery, you generally need to unplug the computer and remove the outer case.
There may be BIOS settings that affect this parameter.
Many motherboards are sold, and advertised, with extensive facilities for overclocking implemented in hardware and controlled by BIOS settings.
How do I change the BIOS settings on the system laptop and what should they be?