The text of the Cylinder thus indicates a strong continuity with centuries of Babylonian tradition, as part of an established rhetoric advanced by conquerors.
However the author here claims to be relating Babylonian tradition, not Hebrew tradition, for whatever that is worth.
In the Babylonian magico-medical tradition, Šulak is the Lurker of the bathroom or the demon of the privy.
It is much more likely that these lifetimes are a hangover from Babylonian traditions about the times before the Flood.
Early masoretic lists detailing the Babylonian tradition include systematic and detailed discussion of exactly where portions begin and which type they are.
The Babylonian tradition has his succession following seamless after that of the last Kassite king, but this is unlikely.
There are three pre-exilic periods at which it has been suggested the Hebrews, or the ancestors of the race, may have acquired a knowledge of Babylonian traditions.
The Sebitti are a group of seven minor war gods in Babylonian and Akkadian tradition.
This Babylonian tradition also affected the mythology and religion of Canaan, which would become the Promised Land of the ancient Israelites.
This was carried through completely in Samaritan Hebrew but met more resistance in other traditions such as the Babylonian and Qumran traditions.