The June 21 Bach concert will offer the "Coffee Cantata" and the Third "Brandenburg" Concerto.
At age seven he performed Bach concert for piano and orchestra F Dur with the orchestra.
Subsequent Bach concerts are scheduled for May 14, 27, 28, 29 and 30.
Their third appearance, a Bach concert in April 1928, was also their last before a long summer break, during which a large advertising campaign was carried out to ensure the continued existence of the group.
If I am playing a Bach concert where the hands are busy all the time, I can't get any kind of shot.
Also a traditional Bach choral concert by the Brattleboro Music Center led by Blanche Honegger Moyse.
By all accounts the chorus remains as vital an institution as ever, having installed a popular series of noonday Bach concerts on the first Tuesday of some months.
A fascinating adjunct to other recent Bach concerts for the piano.
He kept checking his watch while his wife finally dozed off and back, smiling and humming the Bach concert with a head that lolled back and forth.
Since 1947, she had been spending more time in Europe, where the demand for her Bach concerts was greater than in the United States.