Many Bacillus species are able to secrete large quantities of enzymes.
Thermolysin is the most stable member of a family of metalloproteinases produced by various Bacillus species.
Some Bacillus species (Gram-positive) are capable of fermentation, although they grow slowly.
Most are non-pathogenic, but Bacillus species are known to cause disease in humans.
It has also been shown to harbor a selenium-metabolizing Bacillus species in its seed pods.
A specific feature of Bacillus species that makes it unique from other aerobic microorganisms is its ability to produce spores.
All Bacillus species grow well on 5% Sheep blood agar and other routine culture media.
Decreased temperatures also tend to shift the fatty-acid distribution slightly toward C17 fatty-acids in Bacillus species.
Initiation of growth of Bacillus species in a chemically defined medium.
DSM 8716 was identified as a novel Bacillus species by Nielsen et.