(Bagel Bites are a separate matter.)
Other Heinz frozen food accounts at DDB San Francisco include Smart Ones entrees and Bagel Bites.
A commercial product, Bagel Bites, is sold as platters of smaller frozen pizza bagels with a variety of toppings.
The skateboarder Tony Hawk, for example, became an endorser of everything from Bagel Bites to Mountain Dew, a frequent talk-show guest and the star of a top-selling video-game series.
Before she hired the personal chef, Ms. Nobile said, Nick's diet centered around meatball heroes, Burger King and frozen Bagel Bites.
The tune was heard in the 1990s, when a version with altered lyrics served as the commercial jingle for Bagel Bites, a brand of pizza bagels.
Mr. Silverman said MacaBabies are a tasty and nutritional snack comparable in many ways to the popular Bagel Bites.
Spots aimed at "tweens" for Bagel Bites were modified from commercials produced to appeal to mothers.
Preparation of Bagel Bites involves either a microwave or an oven.
During the 1980s, Bagel Bites ran a television commercial, most popular during children's programming, featuring the jingle: