Only two emissaries from a Baghdad mosque were allowed in.
"You are masters today," Sheik Ahmed al-Kubeisy lectured America in one Baghdad mosque.
October 17: Iraqi officials say bomb near north Baghdad mosque kills 3 Shiite worshippers.
Imams at three Baghdad mosques - Al Sabar, Al Yaman, and Al Rashidi - were killed, Interior Ministry officials said.
We were driven to the back of a Baghdad mosque and ordered out of the car in front of an Al-Jazeera cameraman, there to capture the moment.
In the protest at the Baghdad mosque on Friday, the air filled with shouts of "Down, down America!"
On Thursday, two Sunni groups called for the temporary closing of dozens of Baghdad mosques as a protest.
At one of the largest Baghdad mosques, Um al-Qura, attendance at Friday Prayer was lower than usual because many Iraqis went to Abu Ghraib.
That same attitude was expressed outside a Baghdad mosque by Abdul Redha Ahmed, a schoolteacher.
Just then, a van pulled up carrying the body of a 24-year-old killed at a Baghdad mosque.