Lieutenants Kern and Baker had announced their engagement last week.
On August 22, 2006, Baker announced his retirement from professional football to pursue a career in rap music under the recording name Shake Severs.
When Baker announced the failure of the talks, the price jumped nearly 30 percent in five minutes, but crude ended up gaining just 9 cents, to $27.26.
"There are hidden eyes and other sensors in this area," Baker announces.
Baker announced his retirement two months before the 1997 state election, which some interpreted as an act of revenge.
On December 19, 2011, Baker announced that the lack of newspaper interest had brought the syndicated strip to an end:
On January 15, 2008, Baker announced his intention to resign from Congress to take a lobbying position with the Managed Funds Association.
She and Baker have announced their plans to marry in Iowa sometime in the fall of 2011.
On August 10 of that year, Baker and others announced their intention to declare the Republic of Madawaska.
In September 2009, Baker announced his intentions to run for the United States Senate.