For instance, settlements along the Balsas River had pyramids, central plazas and ball courts.
Seven hydropower projects are envisaged on the Balsas River.
The Balsas River has a discharge of 15-17 m/s during the lean flow season.
This was the first dam built on the Balsas River.
There are no major rivers here but a large number of small rivers and streams which all eventually feed into the Balsas River.
It is endemic to the dry forests along the Balsas River in Southern Mexico.
Some of them settled by the Balsas River, to conquer the region and the Chontales.
For the river in Mexico, see Balsas River.
Tierra Caliente and is situated in the lowlands along the Balsas River.
The latter is found mostly along the Balsas River.