But in Latvia's Baltic neighbor, about 60 percent of the population is native Estonian.
In addition, competitions with the well-known wrestlers from Estonia, a Baltic neighbor, were organized on a yearly basis.
Like its Baltic neighbours, in the decade after independence Estonia made a rapid transformation to embrace the free market.
"We want to join the European security system, and possibly create a new regional defense structure with our Baltic and Scandinavian neighbors."
Lithuania, like its Baltic neighbors, is the perfect example of a country whose politics, security, and economy soared after tyranny was consigned to history's dustbin.
Estonia escaped the kind of violence experienced by its Baltic neighbours.
Our Baltic neighbour, as previous speakers have already said, is actually one of the very few countries that meet the Maastricht criteria, and indeed with enthusiasm!
The Lithuanian government is planning on mimicking Baltic neighbor Denmark, which generates 20 percent of its energy with wind turbines.
Without support from their Baltic neighbours, the Lithuanians had to accede to the ultimatum.
Critics, however, have pointed out that Lithuania will be an hour behind its Baltic neighbors.