Nearly a year later, some Baltimore residents who purchased the units still have no connection to any monitoring service.
As families and jobs have moved to the suburbs, Baltimore residents have suffered some of the worst urban blight in the country.
Her subjects were wealthy Baltimore residents and politicians from Washington DC.
He was a long-time Baltimore resident, Towson University professor, and science fiction author.
One quarter of Baltimore residents (and 37% of Baltimore children) live in poverty.
Despite the housing collapse, and along with the national trends, Baltimore residents still face slowly increasing rent (up 3% in the summer of 2010).
A startling estimate often cited is that as many as one in every eight Baltimore residents is a substance abuser.
Maryland's program already includes 6,000 Baltimore residents and should be in use statewide by fall.
The building looked so realistic that Baltimore residents would occasionally wander into it to report actual crimes.
A Baltimore resident, he wanted the city to be one of the Whitbread's nine stops.