Age-grade groupings of various sorts were common in the Bantu tribal culture of the day.
Most Bantu cultures share a common myth about the origin of death, involving a chameleon.
As a consequence of this myth, both chameleons and lizards are often considered bad omens in Bantu cultures.
In most African cultures, including Bantu cultures, veneration of the dead plays a prominent role.
As is the case with other mythologies, Bantu cultures often locate the world of the dead underground.
It is an offshoot of the Bantu culture.
Intermarriage among members of the same clan is prohibited, as is the custom in most Bantu cultures.
Age-grade groupings of various sorts were common in the Bantu culture of the day, and indeed are still important in much of Africa.
All traditional Bantu cultures have a notion of a "creator god", a concept which was already established in the Niger-Congo cultures.
The culture of Zambia is mainly indigenous Bantu culture mixed with European influences.