Barbara Miller, a corporate finance analyst, spoke for many when she said: "He's a great man and this is a great loss.
At last count, Barbara Miller lived with 11 dogs the number has been as high as 20.
Barbara Miller is understood to be related to the decorated conscript Simon Anderson who mysteriously disappeared in 1970.
Barbara Miller also enhances the surfaces of her painted panels with foreign matter, which she uses to disguise as well as enrich her compositions.
As for Hallmark, a spokeswoman, Barbara Miller, said, "While we support the awards, the true judge of the best card is the consumer."
The volunteer, Barbara Miller, said that she had not.
Earlier this year, Barbara Miller, an analyst with Goldman, Sachs, thought Gap's earnings a share would be $1.58.
However, the site meets town noise guidelines, said Barbara Miller, town deputy director of code enforcement.
Barbara Miller (Jan. 9) describes my findings accurately, that one study showed a drop in birthrates in four schools with school-based health clinics.
Barbara Miller now volunteers at the Children's Aid Society twice a week, which is where I reached her, briefly, by phone.