The Barcelona Convention aims to 'reduce pollution in the Mediterranean Sea and protect and improve the marine environment in the area, thereby contributing to its sustainable development.'
The Barcelona Convention protects the Mediterranean Sea.
It is listed on Annex III of the 1976 Barcelona Convention, which aims to limit pollution in the Mediterranean Sea.
Isla de Alborán is a protected area, a marine park and an important ecological area for the Mediterranean and is especially protected by the Barcelona Convention.
Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention)
The area is protected under the Barcelona Convention (Specially Protected Area) and a number of national acts.
Ms. Cristina Narbona Ruiz, fourteen Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention signed the Protocol.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Barcelona Convention, a country must be party to the Convention in order to sign up to any of the Protocols.
The objective was included in the OSPAR Convention and in the revised Barcelona Convention.
On behalf of Parliament, I welcome a delegation of Members of Parliament from ten Mediterranean States which are signatory to the Barcelona Convention.