He says he has only been inside a Barnes & Noble store three times.
That building, constructed in 1881, is now home to a Barnes & Noble store.
Barnesandnoble.com also lets people return online purchases at Barnes & Noble stores.
(About 5,000 copies will be available at Barnes & Noble stores, for a newsstand price of $5.99).
Court Street is a main commercial artery, with a Barnes & Noble store and a 12-screen movie theater.
But the payoff came a few weeks later, when she visited a Barnes & Noble store in Southern California.
There is no cookbook department, given the smaller area and the Barnes & Noble store nearby.
The Barnes & Noble store here, which has been open a year, also has a cafe with live entertainment and even more frequent children's reading hours.
The Barnes & Noble store joins 13 others already operating in Manhattan.
The store is two stories and is the largest Barnes & Noble store in the state.