John Thomas Spike (born November 8, 1951 in New York City) is an American art historian, curator, and author, specializing in the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods.
Graz, in southern Austria about 95 miles southwest of Vienna, is a former imperial residence of the Holy Roman Empire and home to buildings dating to the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods.
The 'cornett', 'cornetto' or 'zink' is an early wind instrument, dating from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods.
The Meditz Gallery, which resembles an early Christian basilica in plan, showcases ten paintings from the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods, works gifted to the University by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation via Bridgeport's Discovery Museum.
The title was often used by English composers in the late Renaissance or Baroque periods for a piece of organ music that was free in style, i.e. it did not have to be composed in a strict form such as sonata form or a fugue.
Under the direction of Paola Urbinati, the ensemble will present works of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods, plus choruses of Rossini and Verdi, at 8 P.M. Saturday.
It is among the best preserved of Rome's ancient buildings and was highly influential to many of the great architects of the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods.
The Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods are represented by the work of Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Lippo Memmi, Jacopo Sansovino, Alessandro Magnasco, and others.
The highly decorative Sicilian Baroque period lasted barely fifty years, and perfectly reflected the social order of the island at a time when, nominally ruled by Spain, it was in fact governed by a wealthy and often extravagant aristocracy into whose hands ownership of the primarily agricultural economy was highly concentrated.
True, music of the medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods abounds in churches and small halls around New York.