Basil Bunting rewrote the sonnets as modernist poems by simply erasing all the words he considered unnecessary.
"Compose aloud; poetry is a sound," the poet Basil Bunting wrote.
It is the most extensive collection in the UK of the work of Basil Bunting (1900-1985) and of material relating to him.
Basil Bunting gave the first reading of Briggflatts in the Morden Tower, on 22 December 1965.
King Ida's Watch Chain - 1965: A collection of Poems by Basil Bunting.
Basil Bunting, Redimiculum Matellarum, his first book of poems, published in Milan.
It is the namesake of Basil Bunting's long poem Briggflatts (1966).
I can think of Gerard Manley Hopkins for one, Basil Bunting for another, whose work was not recognised until quite late in his life.
Briggflatts is a long poem by Basil Bunting published in 1965.
Poets like Basil Bunting and Louis Zukofsky called for a renewed emphasis on poetry as sound.