To support, to protect, and to promote recognition of the victims of Basque terrorism.
Mr. Aznar, when announcing on Monday the election date, said that he started his term in 1996 with the goal of standing firm against Basque terrorism.
Some people in Spain are afraid of Islamic and Basque terrorism, but also afraid of the trend that international politics has taken.
Spain had hoped that democracy would end Basque terrorism; instead, it increased.
Just look at democratic Spain, menaced by Basque terrorism.
"I'm not so certain," said the official, who has investigated Basque terrorism for more than a decade.
Members of the Civil Guard continued to be implicated in cases of mistreatment and brutality in the campaign against Basque terrorism.
We have condemned Basque and Irish terrorism.
But it is also because the grisly resurgence of Basque terrorism has come to dominate life here.
Gunn was bound to home in on Aguirrez when he read the report, questioning whether there was any link between Basque terrorism and Oceanus violence.