Barquín was jailed by the Batista government for leading a failed coup attempt in 1956.
However, the failure of Barquín's 1956 coup attempt did not halt opposition to the Batista government.
Sánchez joined the struggle against the Batista government following the coup of March 10, 1952.
Fidel Castro also wore a black beret during the revolution against the Batista government of Cuba.
The final blow to Batista government came during the Battle of Yaguajay.
By trying and failing to destroy Castro's guerrilla army, the Batista government looked weak and ineffective.
Due to pressure from the Batista government he was transferred to Puerto Rico in 1958.
The road had already been planned by the Batista government, but never got built.
On December 11, the Batista government declared war on Germany and Italy.
Ed's real goal was to do an interview with Fidel Castro who had just overthrown the Batista government.