I decided partway through it that it was not a Batman story.
Finger's name, in contrast, did not appear on any Batman stories he wrote in the 1940s and 1950s.
The central fixed event in the Batman stories is the character's origin story.
She returned briefly, in 2003 and 2004, writing four Batman stories for DC.
Finger's name, in contrast, does not appear as an official credit on Batman stories or films, even the comics he wrote in the 1940s and 1950s.
In addition to the Batman stories, the title has had numerous back-up strips.
The yellow ellipse was introduced in 1964 as part of the "New Look" Batman stories.
Fox returned to writing Batman stories in 1964, some 17 years after his last tales.
Like most Batman stories majority of the series takes place in Gotham City.
It's a complex murder mystery, but its also a Batman story.