In recent years, efforts have been made to refurbish Bauhaus buildings and restore them to their original condition.
The Bauhaus buildings were not as functional or as non-ornamental as they were supposed to be.
A man unconcerned with frills and niceties, a perfect match for the Bauhaus building.
The Center conducts walking tours throughout the city showing prominent Bauhaus buildings, built during the 1930s and 1940s.
Most of the Bauhaus buildings in Torten are in disrepair.
Berlin is full of Bauhaus buildings.
Though there is no guidebook to Bauhaus buildings, three guides to Berlin architecture offer valuable help to visitors who want to locate them.
Doesburg then installed himself near to the Bauhaus buildings and started to attract school students interested in the new ideas of Constructivism.
The definitive 1926 Bauhaus building in Dessau is also attributed to Gropius.
Efforts are under way to refurbish Bauhaus buildings and restore them to their original condition.