Early in 1881 the first five graziers, who called themselves the Murray Squatting Company, took up 120,000 acres behind Beagle Bay and named it Yeeda Station.
In 1984, Green attended Badminton, and not only won for the sixth time, on Beagle Bay, but also placed fifth on Village Gossip.
Kerrianne Cox is an Aboriginal singer from Beagle Bay in Western Australia.
At Beagle Bay however, he was surprised by the friendliness of the natives, many of whom spoke Broken English.
The Cape Leveque road from Broome to Beagle Bay is generally of poor condition and often closed during the wet season.
It is bitumened from Beagle Bay to the northern towns.
The first Catholic School was established by the Trappist Fathers at Beagle Bay in 1892.
In 1907, the St John of God Sisters began to run a mission school at Beagle Bay and in 1918 the famous church was opened.
Excited by his tales, Bates decided to accompany him on his visit to a Trappist mission house at Beagle Bay in northern Australia.
The expedition left on 25 February 1879 and reached Beagle Bay on 10 April 1879.