Had the frost affected the Beaujolais region, the impact on the producers would have been more severe.
They had a good summer in the Beaujolais region, so the wine is probably quite good.
What do you do when the coach has put the team in the outback of the Beaujolais region?
The marriage of gamay and the soil of the Beaujolais region is remarkable.
This is the method used throughout France's Beaujolais region.
Year in, year out, the Beaujolais region of France produces some of the world's best values.
With 3,700 estates and 19 big cooperatives in the Beaujolais region, getting everyone to toe the line is almost impossible.
First, news from the Beaujolais region is good.
The first shipments of this year's nouveau left the Beaujolais region last Friday and arrived over the weekend at airports around the world.
The cru wines bear the names of the places within the Beaujolais region where they originate.