Restaurant Vincent specialises in traditional Belgian dishes, focussing on seafood and steaks - robust, hearty, good food without fuss.
A number of traditional Belgian dishes use beer as an ingredient.
Typical Belgian dishes that imaginatively combine ingredients like mussels, eels, rabbit, ale, beer and chocolate are largely unknown here.
This continuing cacophony (no doubt especially jarring on Friday nights) is the price diners must pay if they want to sample savory Belgian dishes at bargain levels.
Meatloaf is a traditional German and Belgian dish, and it is a cousin to the Dutch meatball.
At Belgo it's the Belgian national dish of moules and frites while guzzling glasses of zesty, spicy Höegaarden blanche.
This large and lively place specializes in typically Belgian dishes, such as huge helpings of steaming mussels and french fries with beer or a glass of white wine.
Waterzooi is a Belgian dish of stew, originating in Flanders.
On the second floor a restaurant that served typical Belgian dishes, like waterzooi, a dish of sausage with mashed potatoes and fries.
Belgian dishes like carbonnades are also served: 212-768-0200.