Henri De Page, (1894-1969) law, professor in law, generally seen as the most important Belgian lawyer ever.
Pascal Vanderveeren (born on 16 March 1946, in Brussels) is a Belgian lawyer.
It was chaired by Auguste Visschers, a Belgian lawyer and philanthropist.
Paul Spaak (5 July 1871-8 May 1936) was a Belgian lawyer and playwright.
Even so, Mr. Sharon clearly takes the case seriously, and his government has hired a Belgian lawyer to nip a possible indictment in the bud.
Guillaume Wittouck (1749 - 1829) was a Belgian lawyer.
But it has since hired several Belgian lawyers, and its diplomats are now following the issue as it moves through the courts.
Some Belgian lawyers angrily accuse the Americans of dumping excess lawyers in Europe.
Belgian lawyers also say that some American lawyers acted unprofessionally when they placed advertisements to announce their arrival.
A string of cross-petitions by the Belgian lawyers ensured that the case would run for years.