They sold their Belgian linen out of their basement in Brooklyn.
The fee is $25 and includes a kit containing a nine-inch square of Belgian linen marked with an 18th-century design, a needle, wool and an instruction booklet.
The mural, painted by artist, Xavier Gonzales, is Belgian linen on canvas using zinc white, earth and cadmium colors.
Maddox paints in oil, mainly on Belgian linen, and develops each piece with her signature layering technique.
Men's Belgian linen pleated styles in marine, mauve, gold, copper, natural and oatmeal are $90.
Over 40 Congolese ladies embroider fine Belgian linens daily at a spacious workshop in the city of Goma.
Homasote can be covered in Belgian linen (about $23 for a yard 54 inches wide), from Pearl Paint, (800) 221-6845.
Or deface the friezes of roses painted on Belgian linen in the living room.
Lovely paper plates and napkins ($3.50 to $5 a package) are also available, as well as Belgian linen napkins ($7.50 each).
"The portraits are crewel-embroidered of Persian wool yarn on Belgian linen, and I can work from photographs of your favorite dogs," she explained.