Robert Herberigs (1886-1974) was a Belgian painter, writer and musician.
During the 19th and 20th centuries many original romantic, expressionist and surrealist Belgian painters started.
Louis Dubois, a Belgian painter, was born in 1830.
Sam Dillemans (born 17 January 1965) is a Belgian painter.
It is named after Alfred Stevens, a Belgian painter of the 19th century.
The result was "Magritte," a meditation on the Belgian painter.
Sophie Cauvin (born 2 April 1968) is a Belgian painter.
"Dictionary of Belgian painters born between 1750 & 1875", Knokke 1981, p. 169.
He left home at the age of 13 to earn his living as an itinerant Belgian painter, doing interior decoration, portraits and religious commissions.