The King dropped this project due to the lack of enthusiasm of the Belgian population.
The "Flemings" as they are also called make up the majority of the Belgian population (about 60%).
The large Belgian population of the Congo fled from the violence into neighbouring states, including the federation.
Almost all of the Belgian population is urban-97% in 2004.
Moreover, the Belgian government did not see any support from a majority of the Belgian population for these measures.
For a time, Moline had the second largest Belgian population in the country after Detroit.
In 1994 the electronic voting experiment was extended to around 22% of the Belgian population.
Now, 97% of the Belgian population knows about the campaign, with Bob becoming the symbol against drinking and driving.
For comparison: The Belgian population grew from 50% more inhabitants in 1850 to a third less in 2000.
According to a 2006 opinion poll 61% of the Belgian population think tensions between Muslims and other communities will increase in the future.