His voluminous diary is kept in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library.
The acquisition will make the Berg Collection, which also includes Kerouac's literary and personal archive, perhaps the premier institution for the study of the Beats.
"It's one of the things that happens sometimes," he said, noting that the Berg Collection includes a fair number of letters written by Ginsberg.
"We figured out why she never got off the sofa," said Lisa Brower, acting curator of the library's Berg Collection.
His journals and papers are archived in the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library.
Many items in the new series derive from the Berg Collection of English and American Literature.
The eighty notebooks in the Berg Collection refer to a process of discovery, loss, and rediscovery throughout his writing life.
She said the manuscript would be placed on view for one month in the near future in the reading room of the Berg Collection.
All the items are from the library's Berg Collection and will remain on view until Jan. 13.
Many of his books overlapped with those in the public library's Berg Collection.