A Berkeley professor, J. Robert Oppenheimer, had just been hired to run the nation's secret bomb design effort.
Mr. de Monchaux, the Berkeley professor, contends that contemporary architecture has taken steps toward Hundertwasser-like irreverence.
By the time he was through, says David A. Patterson, a Berkeley professor, Joy was recognized as "one of the world's truly great programmers."
The corps and the Berkeley professors have agreed to share information and work together.
"You have working-class whites doing poorly," said Ms. Malveaux, the Berkeley professor.
"There's no artifice with Laura," said Michael Borrus, a Berkeley professor and colleague.
Half of them are Berkeley professors.
The Berkeley professors have amassed compelling evidence that Iraq underpriced its oil, in all likelihood for the purpose of obtaining bribes and political favors.
"It's kind of nice to see a woman making more than Steve Ross," said Graef S. Crystal, the Berkeley professor and expert on executive compensation.
The Berkeley professors helped to run the workshops at Harvard last week.