She had seen them making English muffins and reading The Berkshire Eagle, then calling up to her.
Currently, The Berkshire Eagle costs $1.00 Monday through Saturday, and $2.00 on Sundays.
The Berkshire Eagle urges its voters to vote YES on question 2.
The local newspaper, The Berkshire Eagle, has been filled with letters to the editor imploring each side to come to an agreement.
"In the 70's I was a reporter for The Berkshire Eagle, right down there - the best three years of my life."
"She reviewed my third novel in The Berkshire Eagle, and we quoted it in the front matter with full attribution."
The Berkshire Eagle, October 12, 1976.
Moran moved to work as managing editor at the Berkshire Eagle.
The town also gets newspaper delivery from The Berkshire Eagle.
Will it still be The Berkshire Eagle?