As a result, the species is of regional conservation concern and is one of 33 larger fungi proposed for international protection under the Bern Convention.
The House has not considered the Bern Convention since 1936.
Wolves are protected throughout the European Union by regulations adopted under the Bern Convention in 1979.
The astonishing aspect of this step is that the Bern Convention eliminated the requirement that a copyright notice be placed on the copyrighted article.
A few of the local species are protected by the Bern Convention.
Six amphibian and seven reptilian species are also classified as the endangered species by the Bern Convention.
It has been classified as an endangered species in the entire of Europe and placed under the strict protection by the Bern Convention.
The law will allow Russia to sign the Bern Convention, a 19th-century treaty that guarantees copyright protection across national borders.
The European Union, as such, is also a Contracting Party to the Bern Convention.
September 9 - Bern Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.