Berry had been writing since 1990, and it took him 12 years and 85 rejections (over five different editions) to finally sell a manuscript to Ballantine Books.
Berry also wrote the text for the show catalog.
Berry wrote for Rotoworld from 1999 to 2003, when he was let go after the site wanted to lower his pay from $100 a week to $25 a week.
Berry wrote the song while still in prison and borrowed an atlas from the prison library to plot the itinerary.
"Berry wrote that he wanted to be a president one day."
Berry also wrote for a number of television dramas, including Hollyoaks and Byker Grove.
Berry also wrote several short stories and essays, and wrote several plays for BBC television.
Berry wrote Elliott requesting the money to purchase what he could of Rancho San Pascual.
Berry has farmed, resided, and written at Lane's Landing down to the present day.
Berry has written at least twenty-five books (or chapbooks) of poems, sixteen volumes of essays, and eleven novels and short story collections.