The phrase is often mistaken for a Bible quote, but it appears nowhere in the Bible.
As the Bible quote says, there is a natural time and place for every occurrence or experience on this earth.
That the Bible quotes could mean a real fanatic or someone wanting to sound like one.
The Bible quotes were out of sequence, out of context.
The title may spring from the Bible quote "In my Father's house are many mansions" (John 14:2), implying the pristine forest is a natural and sacred cathedral.
The first recitative leads to an arioso part on the final Bible quote "Gott ist getreu" ("God is faithful).
Modern versions of the Bible quote Jesus more accurately as saying: "Have no anxiety for the tomorrow."
Probably a Bible quote.
These often include stories of conversion, salvation, struggles with faith, and Bible quotes.
She apologized for the delay in not making a response earlier and closed her letter with Bible quotes (from Chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians).