Never before has a man indicted on a rape charge fought for the heavyweight title, especially against a champion with a reputation as a clean-living Bible reader.
The choices the movie makes at such moments provide much of its interest for Bible readers who have already done their own imagining.
Had he been such a Bible reader as the Dissenter doubtless thought him, he might haply have foreseen the vengeance of humanity upon his house.
No, in that they are not free to leave the world; so far the Ross-shire Bible reader was right.
In his youth, Schrempf was an avid Bible reader.
"I've been an obsessed Bible reader in Hebrew and any other languages available to me since I was a child," he said.
Bible readers who study scripture on hand-held devices have a new version - in fact, six versions in one - to consider for their palmtop library.
Much is lost in translation, but the spirit (as any Bible reader will tell you) survives - and it is the spirit that giveth life.
Marie the Bible reader.
The names and numbers of the books of the Latin Vulgate differ in ways that may be confusing to many modern Bible readers.