In sum, those who loved biblical authority were often revolutionary.
A 1641 law linked slavery to Biblical authority and created a set of rules for slaves.
Both these theories are found among Christians seeking to interpret biblical authority.
Galileo's conception of biblical authority will be examined later in the chapter.
The narrative had an almost biblical authority and inevitability.
There is no reason to suppose that he was sufficiently interested in the Copernican system to set biblical authority against it.
The university is recognized for its emphasis upon spiritual formation, biblical authority and world evangelization.
Galileo knew only too well that it could, if the province of biblical authority were not scrupulously defined.
Providentissimus Deus responded to two challenges to biblical authority, both of which rose up during the 19th century.
The survey asked questions about belief in God, afterlife, biblical authority, the devil, evolution and truth of other religions.