Ussher had to cross-reference the Biblical records with known dates of other people and rulers to create an overall timeline.
Eventually the study of rocks and fossils, meant to complement the Biblical record, began to contradict it.
Even in the Biblical record drugs were considered as inextricably linked with (harmful) spiritual power and as such were seen as susceptible to permanent cure.
According to the Methodist Church, Christoplatonism directly "contradicts the Biblical record of God calling everything He created good."
Other early evidence of earring-wearing is evident in the Biblical record.
However, Biblical records also show evidence of secret greetings or handshakes.
This, they point out, is the very same reason Jewish tradition explains why Moses' burial place was left unknown according to the Biblical record.
Although our modern manifestations have never attained the power mentioned in the Biblical records, they present some features which are not related in the New Testament.
In 1785 James Hutton proposed an opposing, self-maintaining infinite cycle based on natural history and not on the Biblical record.
(1865) (Journal of sacred literature and Biblical record for January and April, 1865)