Ginny - Manassas, Virginia - 5 days ago Also: Not a Bieber fan.
Not even the barricades could have contained the hundreds of furious, bloodthirsty Bieber fans from turning the Rockefeller Center plaza into Occupy Oakland.
After that, Bieber fans flocked to Dare To Dream Shows YouTube channel for exclusive looks at his documentary Never Say Never.
Bieber fans aren't happy with me," Ricky Tweeted on Monday morning.
I've got enough protection against Bieber fans now," he wrote, posting a photo of himself with the tiny hound.
Bieber fans utilise online social networks as a way of not just connecting with Bieber and Bieber related information but as a way to interact with other like minded fans.
Pre-teen Bieber fans sometimes coordinate on social media services to gather at a mall and "buy their entire stock of Bieber paraphernalia to donate to charity."
Also: Not a Bieber fan.
Thus, all Bieber fans can talk for hours on the internet with other obsessives and not have to worry about boring things such as going to school and writing a thank-you note to grandma.