Big Sandy is an Ashland native and was born on October 12, 1843.
He grows barley, peas and lentils on the family farm near the little town of Big Sandy (population: 710).
The Big Sandy is a popular whitewater kayaking run, a destination for paddlers from many states in the late winter and early spring.
"Got a man lost up on Big Sandy," Buck said.
It was twelve-year-old Big Sandy, which is worth stealing a little time for.
On the lower Big Sandy there were some fine farms, and a body might even get a horse, or if not that, a canoe.
Our arrival at Big Sandy would be very late.
Once we got ashore along the Big Sandy, I could make myself mighty hard to find.
Nobody had much to say, walking that muddy road up the Big Sandy, climbing a mite, passing a farm here or there.
"There is nothing else like Big Sandy," said Taylor, referring to the track's nickname.