His work in the Dominican Republic was portrayed in the film The Price of Sugar (2008), produced and directed by Bill Haney.
Founded in 2000 by Bill Haney and Tim Disney, Uncommon's films tend to focus on social issues.
Bill Haney, a spokesman for D.M.B.& B. in Troy, Mich., said that the agency was "very disappointed" at the Merrill Lynch decision.
In 2011, the film The Last Mountain directed by Bill Haney detailed the effects on the land and people living near mountaintop removal and coal burning sites.
Bill Haney, a spokesman for Foote, Cone, said executives there were not available for comment.
Bill Haney, a book publisher in Troy, Mich., probably knows what Mr. Lerner means.
WHEN he was an 18-year-old freshman at Harvard University in 1980, Bill Haney noticed that a lot of dormitory rooms had fireplaces but no firewood.
"Bill Haney has a tremendous ability to enroll people in his vision," said Hugh Holman, an analyst at Alex. Brown & Sons in Baltimore.
Bill Haney was a progressive thinker and homespun philosopher, who became famous for his ranch hospitality.
In June 2011, Kennedy appeared at select screenings of The Last Mountain produced by Bill Haney, and co-written by Haney and Peter Rhodes.