Nine-year-old Julia was booming upstairs, simultaneously embroidering, dressing the dog, cleaning her room, listening to Bill Harley and practicing for her school musical.
In 2001, Bill Harley recorded a version of the song with alternate lyrics for children, entitled "Down in the Backpack".
Children 5 years old and up will be welcome at 4 P.M. Friday in Dana Hall when Bill Harley and Milbre Burch blend stories, music and mime.
At 8 P.M., Milbre Burch and Bill Harley will give a storytelling concert for adults in Dana Hall.
Bill Harley is a children's entertainer and storyteller who has been called "the Mark Twain of contemporary children's music" by Entertainment Weekly.
Many notable Vermont institutions have adopted its memorable name, including the children's radio show "Camel's Hump Radio" hosted by Bill Harley on Vermont Public Radio.
Bill Harley (Children's)
Bill Harley, the former owner of the Toldeo Maroons, was granted the right to manage the Louisville Colonel operation out of Chicago, while Hertman still owned the team.
Click (Bill Harley)
Harley's brother, Bill Harley, negotiated a contract that was to give Chic Harley one-third ownership of the team.