"Governor Clinton has very specifically said he'll entertain the idea," said Bill Lacy, a senior political adviser to the Bush campaign.
The deputy campaign chairman, Bill Lacy, described the real Bob Dole in terms of his message, not his demeanor.
"We're still celebrating," said an elated Bill Lacy, president of the college, who succeeded where others have failed in bringing the project closer to reality.
THERE is a simple reason why Bill Lacy waited 16 months to be inaugurated as president of Purchase College.
Bill Lacy, president of Purchase College, described the move as "an extraordinary and unnecessary hardship" on the students.
"I go to the Pritzkers afterward," said Bill Lacy, the selection committee's secretary, "and tell them who won."
"It was quite legitimate not to want to rank the candidates or to feel Bill Lacy was preferable," Dr. Laguardia said.
On August 8, 2007, Bill Lacy was named manager of Thompson's "testing the waters committee".
The director of the institute is Bill Lacy, who worked as a strategist on Sen. Dole's 1988 and 1996 presidential campaigns and his 1992 senatorial campaign.
Bill Lacy, president of Purchase College, said it was important to rectify the salary issue.