April 3 - SCLC volunteers kick off the Birmingham campaign against segregation with a sit-in.
The most dramatic moments of the Birmingham campaign came on May 2, when more than 1,000 Black children left school to join the demonstrations; hundreds were arrested.
The Birmingham campaign inspired the Civil Rights Movement in other parts of the South.
The bombings targeted leaders of the Birmingham campaign, a mass protest for racial justice.
With national attention on the Birmingham campaign, King became even more valuable as a high-profile fundraiser.
The Albany movement was shown to be an important education for the SCLC, however, when it undertook the Birmingham campaign in 1963.
Kennedy delivered this speech following a series of protests from the African-American community, most notably the Birmingham campaign, which concluded in May 1963.
Nonetheless the Albany campaign provided important lessons, which were put to use in the more successful Birmingham campaign of 1963-64 in Alabama.
These were years when he helped it develop effective strategy and national prominence in civil rights actions, including the Birmingham campaign and the March on Washington.
Nash was also an important organizer in the 1963 Birmingham campaign.