But many Birmingham residents and others with stark memories of the bombing clearly saw the day's events as an important step in this city's efforts to salve its racial wounds.
Although not a participant myself, I was inspired to see the names of hundreds of people inscribed in the book, mostly Birmingham residents.
Neighbouring Solihull council invited Birmingham residents desiring a traditional Christmas to go there instead.
However, he was unable to get a work permit in the United States, despite a petition signed by thousands of Birmingham residents who fought for him to stay.
Birmingham residents had to move elsewhere.
Some white Birmingham residents were supportive as the boycott continued.
With Abernathy, King was among 50 Birmingham residents ranging in age from 15 to 81 years who were arrested on Good Friday, April 12, 1963.
The promotion involved the mailing of numbered tickets to hundreds of thousands of Birmingham residents each Spring and Fall.
Ann Gall, a 53-year-old Birmingham resident, left school at 15, had a family and worked as a secretary and personal assistant.
This is due to the influx of Birmingham residents that moved to the area when Redditch became a new town in the 1964.