The Blackfeet Nation has 16,500 registered members.
A descendant of the Blackfeet Nation himself, Doe keeps getting mistaken for the killer he's chasing.
Many members of the tribe live as part of the Blackfeet Nation in northwestern Montana, with population centered in Browning.
Magee Photograph Collection - nearly 1,000 digitized photographic negatives depicting life on the Blackfeet Nation.
Stephen Graham Jones, Author, is a member of the Blackfeet Nation.
Ms. Cabell, a former banker who is a member of the Blackfeet Nation, initiated the lawsuit six years ago.
He is a member of the Blackfeet Nation in Montana.
Sitting Bull wished to make peace with the Blackfeet Nation and Crowfoot.
The Blackfeet Nation, already badly weakened by smallpox, did not have the numbers or support this late in the Indian Wars to respond.
In July 1978, Old Person was appointed honorary lifetime Chief of the Blackfeet Nation.