And if she weren't hopping to another Broadway show, Blair Brown would probably be content to play it till the end.
There's never been a bigger black hole in the history of this country than the one created by Blair Brown et al.
"Blair Brown, who looks astonishingly like Jacqueline Kennedy, does better, probably because she can work up more of the character," he said.
In his opinion, he adds, reluctantly, Blair Brown is not that person.
Played winningly by Blair Brown, Molly is a 38-year-old unemployed white woman.
Blair Brown grew up in Washington: "a white-bread existence," she said of her childhood.
Blair Brown and John Glover have been married a few times.
"He makes it seem easy," said Blair Brown, one of the three actors in "Copenhagen."
Blair Brown won for her performance in "Copenhagen."
Blair Brown, who introduces the broadcast, urges viewers, with good reason, "Let the whole family watch."