But "Blair Witch" didn't swallow up the entire horror audience.
Usually, in a room that looks lately vacated by the Blair Witch.
With the 'Blair Witch' thing, you were looking at a movie that had a fictitious account of the town.
They interview people living in the local area about the legend of the Blair Witch.
"In the end 'Blair Witch' was one of the best things that happened to our film," he said.
"The legend of the Blair Witch has taken on a life of its own."
In any case, there are two other interesting points to make about Blair Witch as a marketing/economic phenomenon.
Since then, the "Blair Witch" team has yet to come up with another winner.
Critics and fans didn't quite know what to make of "Blair Witch 2," which made about $26 million at the box office.
Blair Witch had an interesting plot and incredible atmosphere, but a shortage of actual game play.