Down at the Grace Baptist Church, at the far end of the zone I was in, they were singing "Blessed Assurance".
As he shambled into the darkness, he heard the people singing, "Blessed Assurance."
He held his head high, but it trembled slightly on his thin neck; and he was singing "Blessed Assurance" as if it were a dirge.
Blessed Assurance: A History of Evangelicalism in America.
It contained the first stanza of "Blessed Assurance".
And then he launched into another hymn, "Blessed Assurance."
Hughes's story "Blessed Assurance" deals with a father's anger over his son's effeminacy and "queerness".
"Blessed Assurance" is a well-known Christian hymn.
The movie ends as it began, on a Sunday with the sounds of a church choir singing "Blessed Assurance".