Together, the islands are defined by the United States Census Bureau as Block Group 8, census tract 36.04 of Ventura County, California.
It is located entirely within Block 3017, Block Group 3, Census Tract 506.01, Maricopa County, Arizona, which had a population of 63 at the 2000 census.
The total land area is 0.18 km2 (177,606 m2, Block 1069, Block Group 1, Census tract 9611, Guánica Municipio, Puerto Rico).
This is defining Port Richmond as everything within the boundaries of Census Tract 207, 213, and 247, as well as Block Group 1 of Tract 201.
For statistical purposes, Westmoreland Heights is identified as Block Groups 2 & 3 of Census tract 105 by the United States Census Bureau.
Caruth Terrace comprises all of Block Group 1, Census Tract 2.01, Dallas County, Texas .
The area is 4,679 m2, or 1.16 acres (Block 3060, Block Group 3, Census Tract 1805, Humacao Municipio, Puerto Rico).
Central Nyack is composed of Block Group 3 of Rockland County Tract 111.02.
This is defining Mariners' Harbor as everything within the boundaries of Census Tract 231, 319.01, as well as Block Group 1 of Tract 223.
For statistical purposes, the neighborhood is identified as Block Group 1 of Census tract 101.02 by the United States Census Bureau.